
Please note that some calls are available in Italian only

Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “RICERCA E SVILUPPO DI SOLUZIONI INTEROPERABILI E OPEN SOURCE PER LA GESTIONE DI INFORMAZIONI IN PROCESSI BIM” Deadline: 03-11-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “STUDIO DELL’AERODINAMICA NON STAZIONARIA DELLE MACCHINE EOLICHE” Deadline: 02-11-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme ““STUDI E PROGETTI PER UN NUOVA IDEA DI PLESSO SCOLASTICO PRIMARIO E SECONDARIO COME NUOVA CENTRALITÀ URBANA”” Deadline: 31-10-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “SIMULAZIONI DI PROCESSI DOWNSTREAM - PROGETTO LIDIA ID CTN01-00063-25506” Deadline: 31-10-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme ““ELABORAZIONE DI SEGNALI MULTIMEDIALI PER APPLICAZIONI DI DIDATTICA MUSICALE A DISTANZA”” Deadline: 28-10-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “RICERCA ARCHEOLOGICA, TECNICHE DI SCAVO E OPERE DI CONSERVAZIONE DEL PATRIMONIO ARCHEOLOGICO. PROBLEMATICHE E SPECIFICITÀ DELL’INDAGINE ARCHEOLOGICA NEI SITI CHAM DELLA PROVINCIA DEL QUANG NAM, VIETNAM.” Deadline: 27-10-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “CONSERVAZIONE DEL PATRIMONIO ARCHEOLOGICO NELLA PROVINCIA DEL QUANG NAM - VIETNAM” Deadline: 27-10-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “LA RIGENERAZIONE DI COMPLESSI DI EDILIZIA RESIDENZIALE SOCIALE ATTRAVERSO L’ESPERIENZA DEI LIVINGLAB” Deadline: 26-10-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “EMPOWERMENT DEL PAZIENTE IN CASA (EMPATIA): CO-PROGETTAZIONE DI UN MODELLO DI SERVIZIO NET-CENTRICO” Deadline: 26-10-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “SANITÀ DIGITALE: ANALISI DEGLI AMBITI DI INNOVAZIONE DIGITALE E APPLICAZIONE DI METODI DI VALUTAZIONE DEGLI IMPATTI SUL SISTEMA SANITARIO” Deadline: 26-10-17 Go to grant